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We are a boutique performance consulting company that focuses on customized special project implementations, fun instructional systems design, and empowering engagement.

Folks get to this site by knowing our domain & very rarely with an Internet search.
Try giving us a call to find out more about us.
Phone: 888.458.1997
If a client, friend, team member, or the company’s founder is referring you to us, we’ve found a short talk helps us both decide if we can be of service to y’all.
Impact Training

As quiet professionals, we value the privacy of our clients, friends, and team members. So, this non-traditional site supports that result first. Building mutual trust is next on seeing if we will work together.
Our hourly rate is $600 an hour with a minimum of three hours to conduct the initial needs assessment that defines the desired outcome. Of course, there is flexibility depending on the project. We enjoy creating win-win solutions.
Yes, we are a little obsessively focused and trained to begin with the end in mind.
Mostly that is why
you are here.